"Home of The Writing Coach"
*Back Issues & 2024 Guidelines Posted Below*
Shared by:
Kwil Kids
Wordsmith & Editor:
Kalen Marquis
Email: kalenmarquis@gmail.com
Free Subscriptions are available by signing up in the footer below. Thank you for your interest and support.
Permission to copy and share for personal & educational purposes granted. Published for celebration, education, engagement and encouragement purposes only.
Donations: WideMargins.net is a one-man labour of love. It is intended to be free and ad-free. Financial support is greatly appreciated. Click here to donate by credit card or by e-interac (kalenmarquis@live.ca)
Thank you in advance for sharing the Wide Margins Museletter with families, friends and colleagues.
Rights and Permissions are retained by the creator(s). No payments or royalties provided for this free educational project. Published for celebration, education, engagement and encouragement only.
Frequency: As a one-man labour of love, Wide Margins Museletter will be offered periodically, subject to time, submissions and funding available. It may increase in frequency and regularity as it evolves with reader, writer, and creator support and engagement. Let the fun begin! :-)
Giggling Grats: Thank you in advance for your interest and support for Wide Margins Museletter. Note: Correspondence and submissions will be gratefully acknowledged subject to email volume, time and funds available for this one-man labour of love. Heartfelt apologies in advance when this is not possible.
Dedication: This project is dedicated to LG, LM, and the memory of KM for years of selfless service and dedication to young writers, readers, and creatives via Kwil Kids over three decades. It would not exist without them.
Past Projects: The Harry Hooge Herald; Kwil Kids newsletter; Kwil Kids newspaper column; Kwil Kids Publishing Centre & Publishing Parties; Kwil Kids Quarterly; Mr. M's Museletter; Kwil Kids Writing & Reading Camps (West Vancouver & Bowen Island); Soul Stories; BICS Writer-In-Residence (Creative Connections); Digital Dialogues
Mascot Mania & The Writing Coach: Now offering virtual tutoring and coaching in writing, reading and literacy for all ages. From early 'scribbling and scribing' to academic and creative writing, let Kalen Marquis and/or his educational mascots help bring literacy to life! Send him an email to learn more. For qualifications, testimonials, and a sense of the possibilities, please read below and click on the Creative Connections tab above.
My Learning Journey
"Learning never exhausts the mind." (Leonardo da Vinci)
1Associate In Arts Diploma (Humanities)
2Bachelor of Arts Degree & PDP (English & Education)
3Elementary Teacher & Teacher-Mentor (K to 7)
4Kwil Kids Founder (Student Publishing & Literacy Programs)
5Graduate Diploma in Education
(Community Literacy)
6Teacher-Librarian & TL Mentor (K to 7)
7Master's Degree (Clinical Counselling Pyschology)
8Teacher-Counsellor and Private Practitioner
9Wide Margins, Creative Connections & Soul Stories Revisited
10Wide Margins Museletter, The Writing Coach, Writer's Word Shop
Giggling Gratitude
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
"We can buy a person's time but we cannot buy a person's energy, talent, joy, dedication and trust.
We must earn those."
* * *
“Thank you very much! You always seem to know just what we need and you have been such a positive support in our life - we appreciate you so much.“
“I don’t know how many times I have thought thank goodness you are here today. You support the staff and students in so many ways. Your energy, enthusiasm and positivity are contagious. You have done so much in the time you have been here.”
“One thing that's tough with your profession is when you do your job well, people don't come back, because they don't need to, because things got better. It's not a good business model but it certainly serves in a wonderfully positive way that I can only imagine the universe will bless you for doing such work.“
“Thanks for being so positive when I’m with you; every time I leave our session I feel upbeat and ready to tackle my day.”
"I would like to acknowledge Mr. Marquis for his excellence in teaching. As a parent, there is a 'way of knowing' that the individual to whom you have entrusted your child for the day truly cares and is dedicated to each individual in his classroom: each child is respected, sincere attention to communication, passion for learning, true understanding that learning is a lifelong challenge and opportunity, professional assessment and communication of learning needs and strategies for assistance, and unique ways of sharing and encouraging such as Kwil Kids, author readings, publishing parties that extend learning out of the classroom and into life. I believe that people, be they children or adults, learn best when they feel respected and encouraged and that we engage in this process when both the 'teacher' and the 'student' are free to learn together. It is the exceptional teacher who can truly set this environment. Mr. Marquis is an outstanding teacher, a rare gift deserving of thanks."
"Thank you for all the newsletters. We always enjoy receiving and reading them. It is certainly appreciated by this family. We know what a lot of work this must be for you. It is so nice to see somebody so dedicated to the children."
"You are truly inspirational! Your beautiful and 'real' stories filled me with happiness, sadness, and renewed hope and strength. They make me think that my search for personal happiness will come true one day. I encourage my children to read the stories you have so unselfishly shared. You are a beautiful human being. The world needs more people like you."
"A long time ago I made it a rule for myself not to single out any student in a public discussion forum, in either a positive or negative direction. I want to make an exception now and congratulate you for your outstanding contributions to the class discussions. Your posted messages are always informative and insightful. And, as icing on the cake, if I may use that phrase, you write so beautifully. That is such a precious and rare gift these days."
♡ the honour was mine ♡
“Thank you for all that you have done for me in
my time of need. When I’m stressed you
encourage me, when I’m depressed you
comfort me. And even when I’m happy
you seem to cheer me up!”